Course Introduction

      This course introduces undergraduate students to the field of Music Informatics, in which we treat music as data, and demonstrate the usefulness of this perspective. We will cover a variety of topics including music representations, music audio and time-frequency (Fourier) representations, learning key and metric structure through "bag of notes" models, music similarity, query-by-humming, copyright, the legacy of Napster, and audio data compression (e.g. MP3).

      The course will include regular demonstrations of interesting and accessible music research including composition by computer, expressive performance synthesis, and musical accompaniment systems. Students will be asked to perform computer experiments, and to research and write about various topics. While only Junior/Senior standing is prerequisite, students should have some exp erience with computing and should be open to viewing music from a scientiļ¬c perspective. [more details]

Instructors C. Raphael (admin), D. Byrd, I. Knopke
Emails [craphael, donbyrd, iknopke]
Classes Tue/Thu, 1:00-2:15pm, INFO 107
Office Eigenmann 935, 930, 932
Office Hours Mon/Wed, 4:00-5:00pm (Raphael)
AI Kyung Ae Lim (
Office Eigenmann 940
Office Hours Mon, 2:00-4:00pm (changed)